In this lesson, we will learn the importance of using the correct type for your smart contracts, specifically when to use unsigned integer vs. signed integer.
To be able to understand and complete this lesson, we believe that the minimum requirement should be the completion of Lesson 1 - Getting Started. If you desire to be even more prepared please have a look at the official website of ink!.
Objectives and Outcomes
In this lesson you will learn:
How a vulnerability can be introduced by using an inappropriate data type,
How to exploit this vulnerability,
How to fix the vulnerability.
Vulnerable Smart contract
Alice and Bob want to be able to trade tokens in a smart contract. They deploy the ink! smart contract below on Aleph Zero that manages the tokens. The smart contract stores the total number of tokens in the variable total_supply and individual token balances for Alice and Bob are stored in the mapping balances.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
mod money {
use ink::storage::Mapping;
pub struct Money {
total_supply: i32,
balances: Mapping<AccountId, i32>,
impl Money {
/// Constructor that initializes the supply of signed integer.
pub fn new(supply: i32) -> Self {
let mut balances = Mapping::default();
let caller = Self::env().caller();
balances.insert(caller, &supply);
total_supply: supply,
/// report the totaly supply of token
pub fn total_supply(&self) -> i32 {
/// Simply returns the current balance of token in wallet
pub fn balance_of(&self, account: AccountId) -> i32 {
match self.balances.get(&account) {
Some(value) => value,
None => 0,
pub fn transfer(&mut self, recipient: AccountId, amount: i32) {
let sender = self.env().caller();
let sender_balance = self.balance_of(sender);
if sender_balance < amount {
self.balances.insert(sender, &(sender_balance - amount));
let recipient_balance = self.balance_of(recipient);
self.balances.insert(recipient, &(recipient_balance + amount));
Unfortunately, Alice and Bob did not follow the security guidelines and their smart contract contains a vulnerability.
Can you determine where in the code the vulnerability occurs?
==- Hint Examine the transfer function parameters. What are the logical boundaries of each parameter value? How are they declared? ==- Answer amount is declared as an unsigned integer, even though token amounts should all be positive. ==-
Can you think about a way to exploit this vulnerability? You may download the contract here, deploy it on Aleph Zero testnet, and try to attack it.
Did you succeed? Congratulations! If not, see the exploit below.
==- Exploit The transfer function can be called with a negative token amount. This allows an attacker to send a negative amount of tokens to another user. Effectively, this sends tokens from the victim to the attacker.
The exploit is demonstrated in the test code below:
mod tests {
use crate::money::Money;
use ink::env::{test, DefaultEnvironment};
fn transfer_neg_works() {
let accounts = test::default_accounts::<DefaultEnvironment>();
let mut money = Money::new(1000);
assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.alice), 1000);
assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.bob), 0);
// change caller to bob
// bob sends -100 to alice and so alice will send 100 to bob
money.transfer(accounts.alice, -100);
assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.alice), 900);
assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.bob), 100);
fn change_total_supply(){
let accounts = test::default_accounts::<DefaultEnvironment>();
let mut money = Money::new(1000);
// send -1000 to bob
money.transfer(accounts.bob, -1000);
//bobs account is -1000
assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.bob), -1000);
// alice has more token than total_supply 2000 > 1000
assert!(money.balance_of(accounts.alice) > money.total_supply());
Simulated attack
==- Reveal Attack To simulate this attack you will need two founded accounts, so please watch if you do not know how to do it.
then copy paste the code above into the file
cargo +nightly test -- --nocapture
The test outputs should look like that
running 5 tests
test money::tests::total_supply_works ... ok
test money::tests::balance_of_works ... ok
test money::tests::change_total_supply ... ok
test money::tests::transfer_neg_works ... ok
test money::tests::transfer_works ... ok
Build and Deploy to Testnet
cargo +nightly contract build --release
using Cargo Contract Command line(results may vary)
export SEED="[put your 12 words seed phrase here]"
export SEED2="[put your 12 words seed phrase of second account here]"
export URL="wss://"
Upload money.contract from the target/ink directory and click next
Set the supply to 10000 and click next
Click Upload and Instantiate
Send Message totalSupply
Total supply is set to 10000
Balance of contract constructer is 10000
Balance of other account is 0
Account justinTest sends -5000 to Account just2
Account justinTest now has a balance of 15000 which is greater than the total supply
Account just2 has a balance of -5000
Total supply is 10000 even though justinTest has a balance of 15000 ==-
Secure Solution
Now we discovered the problem and it consequences, let's talk about the secure way of developing the smart contract.
Any idea? let's look at the solution!
==- Solution Simply replace the signed integer with an unsigned or verified that the transfer done is bigger than 0 ==-
You can find in the table below a secure way to implement the smart contract desired by Bob and Alice.
==- Reveal Secure Implementation
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
mod money {
use ink::storage::Mapping;
pub struct Money {
total_supply: u32, // i32->u32 because total_supply should not be negative.
balances: Mapping<AccountId, u32>, // i32->u32 because negative balances are not allowed.
impl Money {
/// Constructor that initializes the supply of signed integer.
pub fn new(supply: u32) -> Self {
let mut balances = Mapping::default();
let caller = Self::env().caller();
balances.insert(caller, &supply);
total_supply: supply,
/// report the totaly supply of token
pub fn total_supply(&self) -> u32 {
/// Simply returns the current balance of token in wallet
pub fn balance_of(&self, account: AccountId) -> u32 {
match self.balances.get(&account) {
Some(value) => value,
None => 0,
pub fn transfer(&mut self, recipient: AccountId, amount: u32) {
let sender = self.env().caller();
let sender_balance = self.balance_of(sender);
if sender_balance < amount {
self.balances.insert(sender, &(sender_balance - amount));
let recipient_balance = self.balance_of(recipient);
self.balances.insert(recipient, &(recipient_balance + amount));
mod tests {
use crate::money::Money;
use ink::env::{test, DefaultEnvironment};
fn total_supply_works() {
let money = Money::new(1000);
assert_eq!(money.total_supply(), 1000);
fn balance_of_works() {
let accounts = test::default_accounts::<DefaultEnvironment>();
let money = Money::new(1000);
assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.alice), 1000);
assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.bob), 0);
fn transfer_works() {
let accounts = test::default_accounts::<DefaultEnvironment>();
let mut money = Money::new(1000);
assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.alice), 1000);
assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.bob), 0);
money.transfer(accounts.bob, 100);
//assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.alice), 900);
//assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.bob), 100);
fn transfer_neg_works() {
let accounts = test::default_accounts::<DefaultEnvironment>();
let mut money = Money::new(1000);
assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.alice), 1000);
assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.bob), 0);
// change caller to bob
// bob sends 1100 to alice but fails and so no change in balances.
money.transfer(accounts.alice, 1100);
assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.alice), 1000);
assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.bob), 0);
fn change_total_supply(){
let accounts = test::default_accounts::<DefaultEnvironment>();
let mut money = Money::new(1000);
// send 1000 to bob
money.transfer(accounts.bob, 1000);
//bobs account is 1000
assert_eq!(money.balance_of(accounts.bob), 1000);
// alice still has less token than total_supply
assert!(money.balance_of(accounts.alice) < money.total_supply());
==- If you want can verify that this new source code secures the smart contract by replaying the attack over that has been done above.
If you are up to the challenge, see if you know the answer to this question:
True or false: While working with integer, the only question that needs to be asked is if we required negative integer to decide which type of integer we need? ==- Answers False. No, while working with integer, we also need to ask ourselves if the maximum integer that could appear in your smart contract. For example, this would help us to decide between using a u8 and u32. ==-